Do Children Influence In Deciding The Parenting Schedule?
| June 7, 2023
In this case, the children were 8 and 6. The father wanted their wishes to be known and asked the judge to order a Voice of the Child Report (VOCR)... Continue Reading...
77 Bloor Street West, Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M2
| June 7, 2023
In this case, the children were 8 and 6. The father wanted their wishes to be known and asked the judge to order a Voice of the Child Report (VOCR)... Continue Reading...
| June 1, 2023
An eight-year-long ordeal for our client, Ms. Lakhtakia, recently culminated in a 12-day trial and a landmark decision with far-reaching impacts as relates to costs orders, financial disclosure and family... Continue Reading...
| May 30, 2023
Another provincial appeal court follows the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision on the wrongful removal of a child in F. v. N., [2022] S.C.J. No. 51. The courts continue to... Continue Reading...
| March 30, 2023
It is with great honour that we announce Steve Benmor‘s candidacy for the upcoming Law Society of Ontario (LSO) Bencher Election in 2023. Over 30 year ago, Steve founded Benmor... Continue Reading...
| March 23, 2023
Why be worried if a judge orders support based on an Imputed Income? Because it is nearly impossible to ever seek a change to the support order by proving that... Continue Reading...
| March 18, 2023
What is the Nikah ceremony and is it valid in Ontario? The Nikah is the Islamic marriage ceremony, whereby the Muslim couple legitimizes their marriage in the eyes of God... Continue Reading...
| February 11, 2023
For many of our clients, the road to increased parenting time is a long one. Parenting time is the schedule according to which each parent spends time with their children... Continue Reading...
| February 9, 2023
As a divorce lawyer with over 30 years in the field, I have never encountered a situation where a judge has written a letter to the children of a divorcing... Continue Reading...
| January 27, 2023
In this family court case, the mother requested an order permitting her to relocate with her 4-year-old child to Orangeville where the cost of housing was lower. As is required,... Continue Reading...
| January 11, 2023
This mother was been diagnosed with incurable and terminal breast cancer and was presently in a palliative state. She brought an urgent motion for an order to have her 12-year-old... Continue Reading...