77 Bloor Street West, Suite 600  Toronto, Ontario  M5S 1M2

416 489 8890  steve@benmor.com

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Ontario?

By | - June 26, 2018

Steve Benmor is a recognized divorce lawyer, family mediator, arbitrator, speaker, writer and educator. Mr. Benmor has worked as lead counsel in many divorce trials, held many leadership positions in the legal community and has been regularly interviewed on television, radio and in newspapers as an expert in Family Law.

Divorce is a difficult decision, made even more difficult financial concerns. You probably have many questions about how divorce will impact your finances. In addition to wondering about how your assets and debts will be divided, you’re probably also wondering about how much the process of divorce costs. Below is a break down of different factors to consider when estimating divorce cost in Ontario.

Divorce Cost Factors

In our experience, the cost of resolving a family law matter is extremely difficult to predict due to several variables such as:

– The legal and factual complexity of the issues

– The level of conflict between the two parties

– The degree of involvement of the legal team in the case.

Divorce Cost In Ontario

In our experience, there are 3 typical categories of family law cases – each of which affects divorce cost in Ontario:

(1) Cases where the spouses are quickly able to agree on final terms of the settlement. This occurs in 25% of cases and resulting in an approximate range of divorce costs between $1,000 and $10,000.

(2) Cases where the spouses are able to reach final terms of settlement after the issues have been the subject of correspondence, negotiation or mediation but not litigation. This occurs in 25% of cases resulting in an approximate range of divorce costs between $10,000 and $25,000.

(3) Cases where the parties are unable to reach a settlement and are embroiled in litigation. This occurs in 50% of cases resulting in an approximate range of divorce costs from $25,000, and upwards over $150,000 in cases where a trial occurs.

Help in Your Divorce

If you are uncertain of the complexity of your case, the amount of potential conflict in your divorce, how much involvement you’ll need or have any other questions regarding your situation, consider booking a meeting with Steve Benmor.

Now you can get expert legal help at crucial stages of the divorce process. We get you through Divorce, One question at a time. To book a consult click the link below.


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